



Monday, March 24, 2025 


Present: James Bulger, Jake Thompson, Bradford Calhoun, Tom Otterman and Carl Hildebrandt  (Select Board), Karen Walker (Town Clerk/Treasurer), Richard Sampson (Road Foreman) and via  Microsoft Teams Janice Emerson (Administrative Assistant)  

Visitors: Donna Otterman, Carol Appleton, John Hood, Peggy Welch, James Salina, Roger Vance and via Microsoft Teams Jim Clark, Hank Buermeyer and Dev Emch. 

Meeting called to order at 7:03 pm.  

Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Jake Thompson to approve minutes from meeting of  March 10, 2025. Passed unanimously.  

Executive Session - Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Jake Thompson to go into  executive session to discuss a legal issue and personnel. Passed unanimously. John Hood was invited  to join a portion of the session. Meeting adjourned to executive session from 7:09 pm to 7:32 pm.  

Legal Issue – Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Jake Thompson to authorize John  Hood, Lister, to seek legal counsel on a land use mapping issue. Passed unanimously.  

Personnel – A letter from a non-resident was reviewed and will be placed on file. Jim Bulger contacted a game warden. 


Road Report – Richie Sampson updated the Board on roadwork and equipment. New Garage – Brad Calhoun updated the Board on the building construction progress.  

Audit Update – Karen Walker reported the auditing firm is very pleased with the information provided.  They are working on the audit and are on track. 

Bond Update – Jake Thompson will contact the Bond Attorney regarding the application and timelines. 

Better Back Roads Grant – Motion made by Brad Calhoun and seconded by Jake Thompson to sign.  Passed unanimously.  


VTrans Packet - Brad Calhoun will handle. Brad is meeting with Logan (VTrans Rep) on Friday.  

Certificate of Compliance for Town  

Road and Bridge Standards – Motion made by Brad Calhoun and seconded by Jake Thompson to sign.  Passed unanimously.  

Overweight Permits – Motion made by Carl Hildebrandt and seconded by Jake Thompson to approve  permits for Feed Commodities, North Woods Excavating, Irving Oil, Camp Precast Concrete, Structure R B R, Barrett Trucking, Suburban Propane, and Sidney Smith Trucking. Passed unanimously. 


Appointment of Town Officers – Motion made by Jake Thompson and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to appoint the individuals as shown on the attached sheet. Passed unanimously.  

Jake Thompson was appointed as NEKWMD Rep. 

Open Position – NEKWMD Alternate. 

Animal Control Officer - Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to wait on  appointing an ACO. Passed unanimously.  

West Topsham Community Hall – Tom Otterman update the Board on this project.    

Liquor and Tobacco License – Motion made by Jake Thompson and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to  approve licenses for Gramp’s Country Store and Waits River Country Store. Passed unanimously.  

Cemeteries – Jim Bulger discussed the fencing and headstone work needed at the East Topsham  Cemetery with Tom Flannigan. Work is currently being done on the gate. Tom Flannigan will provide  a list and the cost of additional work need to be done. 

Waits River Cemetery – Motion made by Jake Thompson and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt for Tom  Otterman to put an ad in the Journal Opinion to get bids on the Waits River Cemetery improvements.  Passed unanimously.  

The Board approved Tom Flannigan continuing as Sexton for the East Topsham and Welch Road  Cemeteries and for Tom Otterman to continue as Sexton for the Waits River Cemetery.  

Transfer Station - The Board discussed ways to better regulate the transfer station, including the  possibility of adding a new gate, issuing new permit cards, and a Select Board member doing random  permit checks. They also discussed the timeline for acquiring the metal dumpster for this year. It is not  available yet and so no metal should be left until it is in place. Roger Vance described a recent incident  with a discarded robot vacuum cleaner causing a fire at another Casella site and issued a reminder that  anything containing batteries is not allowed. 


The Board reviewed and signed Order #2506 in the amounts of $71,267.27 for accounts payable and  $9,133.52 for payroll. 

Welch Road Cemetery CD – Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Jake Thompson to renew for one year. Passed unanimously.  

Wells River Savings Bank Checking Account – Motion made by Jake Thompson and seconded by Tom  Otterman to authorize the Town Treasurer to close the checking account and open a savings account.  Passed unanimously.  


Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Jake Thompson to pay $700 for reappraisal  preparation. Passed unanimously.  



The Town Office will be closed on Tuesday, April 8, 2025 for training.  

Meeting adjourned at 8:19pm.  


Respectfully Submitted, 

Janice Emerson 

Administrative Assistant 

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Monday, March 10, 2025 


Present: James Bulger, Jake Thompson, Bradford Calhoun, Tom Otterman and Carl Hildebrandt  (Select Board), Karen Walker (Town Clerk/Treasurer), Richard Sampson (Road Foreman) and via  Microsoft Teams Janice Emerson (Administrative Assistant)  

Visitors: Donna Otterman, Carol Appleton, John Hood, Peggy Welch, James Salina and via Microsoft Teams Pat Plaisted  

Meeting called to order at 7:03 pm.  

Motion made by Jake Thompson and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to approve minutes from meeting  of February 24, 2025. Passed unanimously.  

Motion made by Tom Otterman to elect Carl Hildebrandt as Board Chair. Carl declined. Motion made by Carl Hildebrandt and seconded by Jake Thompson to elect Jim Bulger as Board  Chair. Passed unanimously.  

Motion made by Jake Thompson and seconded by Brad Calhoun for the Board meetings to continue to be held the second and fourth Monday of the month, starting at 7:00 pm. Passed unanimously.    


Road Report – Richie Sampson updated the Board on roadwork and equipment. 

Road Liaison- Motion made by Jake Thompson and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to appoint Brad  Calhoun as Road Liaison. Passed unanimously.  

New Garage – Brad Calhoun updated the Board on the building construction progress.  

Audit Update – Karen Walker reported approximately 90% of the material requested has been provided to the auditing firm. 

Bond Update – Jake Thompson reported a signed copy of the Declaration of Official Intent to  Reimburse and other material from the May 13 packet has been sent to the Bond Attorney. 

Highway and Bridge Weight Restrictions – Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Brad  Calhoun to post all of Powder Spring Road to the Groton Town Line, all of Topsham Corinth Road to  the Corinth Town Line and all of Willa Hill Road with a weight limit from March 11, 2025 to May 15,  2025. Passed unanimously.  

Overweight Permits – Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to approve  permits for R. K. Miles, Bethel Mills, VELCO, N. A. Manosh, Pike Industries, Connecticut Valley  Trucking, Sargent Artisan Wells, S D. Ireland, Thomson Fuels and  

Wind River Environmental.  

Passed unanimously.  



Resignation – With regret, motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Jake Thompson to accept  Polly Stryker’s resignation as a member of the Planning Commission. Passed unanimously. The Board thanks Polly for her many years of service as a member of the Planning Commission. 

John Hood advised the Board he is not interested in serving another term on the Planning Commission.  The Board thanked him for service as a member of the Planning Commission. 

Hank Buermeyer advised the Board he sent a letter of resignation as a member of the Planning  Commission. The Board thanks him for his service as a member of the Planning Commission  

Appointment of Town Officers – The Board asked Janice Emerson to contact the individuals who  served last year to ask if they are willing to serve another term.  

Administrative Assistant – Notion made by Brad Calhoun and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to appoint Janice Emerson as Administrative Assistant to the Select Board. Passed unanimously.  

Open Positions – The Board discussed the open positions for two NEKWMD Rep.  West Topsham Community Hall – Tom Otterman update the Board on this project.  


VLCT – Upcoming Event on Grants – The Board reviewed.  

East Topsham Cemetery - Louise Dodge notified the Board some of the fencing and some stones need  work. Jim Bulger will discuss with Tom Flannigan. 


The Board reviewed and signed Order #2504 in the amounts of $62,917.35 for accounts payable and  $11,720.90 for payroll. 


Lister Hourly Rate of Pay – Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Jake Thompson to  increase the rate of pay for all listers to $18.00 per hour. Passed unanimously.  

Training Workshops – Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to pay the  cost for all Town Officials who wish to attend workshops/conferences related to their work as an  Official of the Town. Passed unanimously. 


Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to authorize the Town Treasurer to  make payroll and payroll related payments, make payment to receive discounts, refund tax over payments, issue checks for tax sale redemptions, pay motor vehicle registration fees to the State and  make payments for postage to the East Corinth Postmaster, as needed throughout the year. Passed  unanimously. 

Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to authorize the Town Treasurer to  redeem and renew CDs as necessary in the best interests of the town throughout the year and provide  notice to the Select Board prior to action. Passed unanimously.  




The Board discussed and updated Projects and Goals for 2025 and Time Line for Bids.   

Meeting adjourned at 7:54 pm.  


Respectfully Submitted, 

Janice Emerson 

Administrative Assistant 

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Monday, February 24, 2025 


Present: James Bulger, Carl Hildebrandt, Jake Thompson, Bradford Calhoun and Tom Otterman  (Select Board), Karen Walker (Town Clerk/Treasurer) and via Microsoft Teams Janice Emerson  (Administrative Assistant)  

Absent: Richard Sampson (Road Foreman)  

Visitors: Megan Clark, Nancy Clark, Jim Clark, Donna Otterman, Peggy Welch and via Microsoft  Teams Pat Plaisted  

Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm.  

Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Jake Thompson to approve minutes from meeting of  February 10, 2025. Passed unanimously.  


Executive Session - Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to go into  executive session to discuss a legal issue and personnel. Passed unanimously. Peggy Welch was  invited to join the session. Meeting adjourned to executive session from 7:02 pm to 7:30 pm. Peggy  came out of the session at 7:25 pm.  

Personnel – No action. 

Legal Issue – Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to commit to pay  additional legal fees in connection with the septic system for the Community Hall. 


Road Report – Brad Calhoun updated the Board on roadwork and equipment. 

New Garage – Brad Calhoun updated the Board on the progress.  

Audit Update – Karen Walker is working on gathering requested materials to send to the  auditing firm. 

Bond Update – Tom Otterman contacted the Bond attorney to find out if the bond loan could be  used to reimburse funds already paid toward construction. He said it could if we have signed the  Declaration of Official Intent to Reimburse, and we could go back 90 days from that date. Jake  Thompson will work with Karen Walker to get signed copies of the May 13 packet to the Bond  attorney. 

Agency of Transportation Email – Brad Calhoun will get more information.  

Overweight Permits – Motion made by Jake Thompson and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to approve  permits for Dead River Company and G. Stone Commercial. Passed unanimously.  


Open Positions – There are three open positions, one Auditor and two NEKWMD Reps. If anyone is  interested, please contact a member of the Select Board or call the Town Office.

Town Report – Donna Otterman updated the Board on the revisions needed. These will be handled at  Town Meeting.  

West Topsham Community Hall – Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Jake Thompson for the Board to approve and sign the Scope of Work contract provided by Polly Allen, for required  Architectural Historian services related to the Community Hall project, with the amendment to exclude  the optional site visit because the Hall is inaccessible. Passed unanimously. 

Motion made by Jake Thompson and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt for the Select Board to appoint  Tom Otterman MAO (Municipal Authorized Officer) for the purposes of registering with the GEARS  online administrative system, in order to initiate the Environmental Review of the Community Hall  project. Passed unanimously. 

Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Jake Thompson to authorize Megan Clark to proceed  with the RFP (request for proposals) for the Architect and Engineer design development and budget  report phase of the Community Hall project, in cooperation with TRORC and the Preservation Trust of  Vermont. Passed unanimously. 

Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Jake Thompson that the select board authorizes  Megan Clark to pursue Congressionally Designated Spending USDA Rural Development grant money  through Senator Peter Welch's office for FY 26. Passed unanimously. 

Additionally, Megan Clark requested to put up a poster at Town Meeting with information and updates  about the Community Hall project, which the Board approved. 


The Board reviewed and signed Order #2504 in the amounts of $29,476.48 for accounts payable and  $5,322.54 for payroll.  

East Topsham Cemetery Miller CD – The Board authorized the Treasurer to renew the CD.  


Waits River Cemetery – Tom Otterman discussed the work needed for a road in the Waits River  Cemetery. Motion made by Jake Thompson and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt for Tom to proceed  with the bid process. Passed unanimously. Bids will be opened at the Select Board meeting at the end  of April.  

Planning Commission Questionnaire – A handout for Town Meeting was discussed. 

Meeting adjourned at 8:18 pm.  


Respectfully Submitted, 

Janice Emerson 

Administrative Assistant 

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Monday, February 10, 2025 


Present: James Bulger, Jake Thompson and Tom Otterman (Select Board), Karen Walker (Town  Clerk/Treasurer), Richard Sampson (Road Foreman) and via phone Janice Emerson (Administrative  Assistant)  

Absent: Bradford Calhoun and Carl Hildebrandt 

Visitors: Megan Clark, Bill Johnson, Becky Christian, James Salina, Donna Otterman, Peggy Welch,  Carol Appleton, Heidi McNeill and John Hood 

Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm.  

Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Jake Thompson to approve minutes from meetings of  January 27, 2025 and January 30, 2025. Passed unanimously.  


Executive Session - Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Jake Thompson to go into  executive session to discuss personnel. Passed unanimously. Carol Appleton was invited to join the  session. Meeting adjourned to executive session from 7:05 pm to 7:17 pm. No action.  

Donna Otterman – At the January 13 meeting, Donna suggested and the Board agreed to store the  history books at the West Topsham Community Hall. After more research it was agreed the books  should not be stored in an unheated building. Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Jake  Thompson to offer the books for sale by donation. Passed unanimously.  



Road Report – Richie Sampson updated the Board on roadwork and equipment. The Board approved hiring Jeff Smith part-time as needed at $25.00 per hour. 

New Garage – The Board discussed whether the bond loan could be used to reimburse funds already  paid toward construction. Tom Otterman will contact the bond attorney. 

Agency of Transportation Email – Will be referred to to Brad Calhoun for input.  

Overweight Permits – Motion made by Jake Thompson and seconded by Tom Otterman to approve a  permit for Austin Construction. Passed unanimously.  


Open Positions – There are three open positions, one Auditor and two NEKWMD Reps. If anyone is  interested, please contact a member of the Select Board or call the Town Office. 

West Topsham Community Hall – Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Jake Thompson for Megan Clark to create a sub-page on the town website for updates and documents related to the  Community Hall Project, and also to proceed with pre-application steps for the Northern Borders  Regional Commission Catalyst Program Infrastructure Grant. Passed unanimously.

Motion made by Jake Thompson and seconded by Tom Otterman for Megan Clark to pursue grants  through the VT Arts Council and the VT Community Foundation. Passed unanimously. 

MERP – Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Jake Thompson for the chair to sign the  hardship letter. Passed unanimously. 

Parcel Mapping Contract -Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Jake Thompson to sign the  contract. Passed unanimously. The price is $2500. 

No Appeal or Suit Pending Against the Grand List – Motion made by Jake Thompson and seconded by  Tom Otterman to approve and sign. Passed unanimously.  


The Board reviewed and signed Order #2503 in the amounts of $333,590.85 for accounts payable and  $4,494.05 for payroll.  


Executive Session - Motion made by Jake Thompson and seconded by Tom Otterman to go into  executive session to discuss personnel. Passed unanimously. Karen Walker was invited to join the  session. Meeting adjourned to executive session from 8:00 pm to 8:05 pm. No action.  

Meeting adjourned at 8:06 pm.  


Respectfully Submitted, 

Janice Emerson 

Administrative Assistant 

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Thursday, January 30, 2025 

Present: Carl Hildebrandt, Jake Thompson and Thomas Otterman, (Select Board), Karen Walker  (Town Clerk/Treasurer) and via Microsoft Teams Janice Emerson (Administrative Assistant)  

Absent: James Bulger and Bradford Calhoun 

Visitors: Donna Otterman 

Meeting called to order at 6:19 pm.  

Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to appoint Jake Thompson to act as  Chair in Jim Bulger’s absence. Passed unanimously.  

Town Meeting Warning – The Warning was reviewed and finalized. Motion made by Tom Otterman  and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to approve and sign the Warning for Town Meeting. Passed  unanimously.  


Meeting adjourned at 6:37 pm.  

Respectfully Submitted, 

Janice Emerson  

Administrative Assistant 


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Monday, January 27, 2025 

Present: Carl Hildebrandt, Jake Thompson, Bradford Calhoun and Tom Otterman (Select Board),  Karen Walker (Town Clerk/Treasurer), Richard Sampson (Road Foreman) and via Microsoft Teams  Janice Emerson (Administrative Assistant) 

Absent: James Bulger 

Visitors: Megan Clark, Bill Johnson, Becky Christian, James Salina, Donna Otterman, Peggy Welch,  Carol Appleton, Heidi McNeill and Dyani Hazlett 

Meeting called to order at 6:59 pm.  

Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to to appoint Jake Thompson to act  as Chair in Jim Bulger’s absence.  

Motion made by Brad Calhoun and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to approve minutes from meeting of  January 13, 2025. Passed unanimously.  


Executive Session - Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to go into  executive session to discuss personnel. Passed unanimously. Dyani Hazlett was invited to join the  session. Meeting adjourned to executive session from 7:02 pm to 7:14 pm. No action.    


Road Report – Richie Sampson updated the Board on roadwork and equipment. New Garage – Brad Calhoun updated the Board on this project. The estimate for insulation is $27,830. 

Surplus Fund – Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Brad Calhoun to put an article on the  Warning for Town Meeting to see if the voters will approve using the money in the Surplus Fund  ($176,476) to pay for new garage construction expenses. Passed unanimously. 

Driveway Permit – Andrew Emerson on Stryker Road. Richie Sampson will handle.  Purchasing Policy – More information is being gathered.  

Overweight Permits – Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to approve  permits for Newport Sand & Gravel and Daren LaHaye. Passed unanimously.  


Open Positions – There are three open positions, one Auditor and two NEKWMD Reps. If anyone is  interested, please contact a member of the Select Board or call the Town Office. 

Ethics Liaison - Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to appoint Jim  Bulger as Ethics Liaison. Passed unanimously. 

West Topsham Community Hall – The Board reviewed an email from Megan Clark requesting two  Articles be included in the Warning for Town Meeting regarding a Reserve Fund for  the Community Hall. 

Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Brad Calhoun to include the Articles in the Warning  reducing the amount of the deposit in the second Article to $700. Passed unanimously. 


Otterman & Allen – A distribution of $9,938 each was received from the Macdonald Family Funds for  the East Topsham Cemetery and the Town of Topsham. Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded  by Carl Hildebrandt to put the Town’s distribution into the Highway Fund. Passed unanimously.  

Ambulance Contract – Motion made by Ton Otterman and seconded by Brad Calhoun to sign the  contract. Passed unanimously. 

Corinth Bylaw Amendment – The Board reviewed the proposed amendment to the Corinth  Subdivision Bylaw.  

E C Fiber Report – Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to table. Passed  unanimously.  


The Board reviewed and signed Order #2502 in the amounts of $109,985.94 for accounts payable and  $9,019.37 for payroll.  


Warning – Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Jake Thompson to warn a Special Select  Board meeting on Thursday, January 30 at 6:00 pm to finalize the Warning for the March 2025 Town  Meeting. Passed unanimously.  

Meeting adjourned at 8:12 pm.  


Respectfully Submitted, 

Janice Emerson 

Administrative Assistant 

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Monday, January 13, 2025 

Present: James Bulger, Carl Hildebrandt, Jake Thompson, Bradford Calhoun and Tom Otterman (Select  Board), Karen Walker (Town Clerk/Treasurer) and via Microsoft Teams Janice Emerson (Administrative  Assistant) 

Absent: Richard Sampson (Road Foreman) 

Visitors: Jim Clark, John Hood, Susan Hood, Bill Johnson. Becky Christian, James Salina, Donna  Otterman and Peggy Welch  

Meeting called to order at 7:02 pm.  

Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to approve minutes from meetings of  December 23, 2024 and January 6, 2025. Passed unanimously.  


Donna Otterman suggested the History Books stored at the Town Hall be moved to the West Topsham  Community Hall. The Board agreed. Donna Otterman will handle.  



Road Report – Brad Calhoun updated the Board on roadwork and equipment. 

New Garage – Brad Calhoun updated the Board on this project. Jake Thompson discussed the bond loan  and the outside professional audit needed. Motion made by Jake Thompson and seconded by Carl  Hildebrandt to approve and sign the engagement letter with Batchelder  

Associates. Passed unanimously. The cost of the audit will be $20,000.  

Funding Salt Shed – Passed over looking into funding suggested in Megan Clark’s email of January 8,  2025. 

Certificate of Highway Mileage – Motion made by Brad Calhoun and seconded by Jake Thompson to sign  the Certificate of Highway Mileage. Passed unanimously. 

Driveway Permit – Samantha Nickerson Downing Road/Kasson Road. Richie Sampson will handle.  


Open Positions – There are three open positions, one Auditor and two NEKWMD Reps. If 8anyone is  interested, please contact a member of the Select Board or call the Town Office. 

Resignation -Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to accept the resignation of  Kaitlyn Hankins as Animal Control Officer Passed unanimously.  

Ethics Liaison - A liaison will be appointed at the next meeting.  

West Topsham Community Hall – Tom Otterman updated the Board on this project.  Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Jake Thompson to authorize Megan Clark to proceed with the BRELLA Program. Passed unanimously. 

LEMP Plan Update Status - Carl Hildebrandt updated the Board on this project. The grant was renewed.  

Vacation Carryover – Will be discussed in Executive Session.  



Northern Upper Valley Mutual Aid Report – Will be included in the Town Report. Driveway Snow Removal Issue on Downing Road – Jim Bulger will handle.  

Request for Funds 

 Blake Memorial Library - $3 per capita  

Topsham Corinth Little League - $500 

The above will be included in the Warning for the March 2025 Town Meeting. 

Little Rivers Health Care -Motion made by Jake Thompson and seconded by Tom Otterman that if a  petition for the higher amount of $1500 is received by January 16, 2025 it will be included in the Warning  for the March 2025 Town Meeting.  

Passed unanimously. 



The Board reviewed and signed Order #2501 in the amounts of $23,527.25 for accounts payable and  $7,291.07 for payroll.  

Invoice for Well at Food Shelf – Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Brad Calhoun to pay the  amount billed of $16,711.55. Passed by a vote of four. Jim Bulger abstained.  

Highway Fund – Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Jake Thompson to transfer $70,492.71  from the FEMA money received in 2024 to the Highway Fund to replace the amount used to reduce the  2023 over budget amount to zero. Passed unanimously.  


Purchasing Policy - Motion made by Jake Thompson and seconded by Tom Otterman to sign the revised  Purchasing Policy. Passed by a vote of four. Brad Calhoun voted No.  

Executive Session - Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to go into executive  session to discuss personnel. Passed unanimously. Karen Walker was invited to join the session. Meeting  adjourned to executive session from 8:40 pm to 8:56 pm.  

Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Jake Thompson to pay Cindy Flannigan, Assistant  Treasurer, $25.00 per hour effective immediately. Passed unanimously. 

Meeting adjourned at 8:58 pm.  


Respectfully Submitted, 

Janice Emerson 

Administrative Assistant 

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Monday, January 6, 2025 @ 7:00 pm 

Present: James Bulger, Carl Hildebrandt, Bradford Calhoun, Tom Otterman (Select Board), Karen Walker (Clerk/Treasurer & Janice Emerson (Administrative Assistant) via telephone. 

Absent: Jake Thompson (Select Board) 

Visitors: Jim Clark, Nancy Clark, Megan Clark, John Hood, Susan Hood, Peggy Welch, Donna Otterman, James  Salinas & Cindy Flanagan (Assistant Town Treasurer). 

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM. 

James Bulger explained the purpose of the meeting was to discuss the progress of construction/expenses of  the new town garage building. 

Bradford Calhoun provided a spread sheet to explain the progress. It showed the breakdown of the original  estimated cost (1,026,800.00) that was presented to the town for the complete project. It showed the  contracted bid prices for the site work, concrete, slab insulation, the steel building, plumbing, heating and  electrical. It also showed the building expenses paid to date and the balance due to complete the work for the  contracted bids already in progress. An updated estimated cost (843,604.00) for the complete project after adjusting some of the costs in the original estimate was also included on the sheet. Karen Walker, Town  Clerk/Treasurer provided the status of the finances for the project to date on the spreadsheet as well. 

Expenses paid to date: $395,384.02 

Funds allocated to pay expenses: 

ARPA funds $105,000.00 

Building fund $203,353.97 

Building fund (2024 Budget) $15,000.00 

Total allocated funds used: $323,353.97 

Expenses paid by other revenue: $72,030.05 

James Bulger updated the Board on the progress for obtaining a bond for the new garage. An accounting firm has agreed to perform a professional audit of the 2024 finances. If the audit is completed in time, we will be  able to apply for the bond by the May deadline for the amount needed to complete the garage project. 


The Board reviewed and signed Order #2425 in the amount of $10,964.50 for Accounts Payable and $6,948.31  for Payroll. 

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm. 

Respectfully submitted, 

Donna Otterman

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Monday, December23, 2024 

Present: James Bulger, Carl Hildebrandt, Jake Thompson, Bradford Calhoun and Tom  Otterman (Select Board), Karen Walker (Town Clerk/Treasurer), Richard Sampson (Road  Foreman) and via phone Janice Emerson (Administrative Assistant) 

Visitors: Jim and Nancy Clark, John Hood and Donna Otterman  

 Meeting called to order at 7:02 pm.  

Motion made by Jake Thompson and seconded by Brad Calhoun to approve minutes from  meeting of December 9, 2024. Passed unanimously.  


Road Report – Richie Sampson updated the Board on roadwork and equipment.   

New Garage – Brad Calhoun updated the Board on this project. Jake Thompson updated the  Board on the bond and the bridge loan. 


Open Positions – There are three open positions, one Auditor and two NEKWMD Reps. If  anyone is interested, please contact a member of the Select Board or call the Town Office. 

 West Topsham Community Hall – Tom Otterman updated the Board on this project. Due to the  holidays, the meeting with Sarah Bartlett will take place after the first of the new year.    


The Board reviewed and signed Order #2424 in the amounts of $65,856.52 for accounts payable  and $ 9,067.82 for payroll.  

Reappraisal Fund CD - Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Jake Thompson to  renew for six months. Passed unanimously..  

Meeting adjourned at 7:28 pm.  


Respectfully Submitted, 

Janice Emerson 

Administrative Assistant 

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Monday, December 9, 2024 

Present: James Bulger, Carl Hildebrandt, Jake Thompson, Bradford Calhoun and Tom Otterman  (Select Board), Karen Walker (Town Clerk/Treasurer), Richard Sampson (Road Foreman) and via  Microsoft Teams Janice Emerson (Administrative Assistant) 

Visitors: Jim and Nancy Clark, John Hood, Donna Otterman, Peggy Welch and via Microsoft Teams  Megan Clark, Pat Plaisted and Samantha Nickerson 

 Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm.  

Motion made by Brad Calhoun and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to approve minutes from meeting of  November 25, 2024. Passed unanimously.  


Samantha Nickerson discussed the culvert 

 and truck turnaround near her residence. She also mentioned a new driveway. The Board advised her  that a driveway permit is required before constructing a new driveway.  


Road Report – Richie Sampson updated the Board on roadwork and equipment. 

New Truck – Motion made by Brad Calhoun and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt for Jim Bulger, Chair,  to sign a Hold Agreement for a 2025 Western Star truck. Passed unanimously.  Fully equipped, the cost is under $300,000.  

New Garage – Brad Calhoun updated the Board on this project. Jake Thompson updated the Board on  the bond bridge loan through M &T Bank. 

WE Permit Zion Hill Road – Motion made by Brad Calhoun and seconded by Jake Thompson to  approve the permit. Passed unanimously. 

Grant to Update Road Erosion Inventory – Motion made by Brad Calhoun and seconded by Carl  Hildebrandt to sign the grant. Passed unanimously.  

State of VT Standard Grant Agreement – Motion made by Brad Calhoun and seconded  by Jake Thompson for Jim Bulger, Chair, to sign the Grants-in-Aid Agreement. Passed unanimously. 


Open Positions – There are three open positions, one Auditor and two NEKWMD Reps. If anyone is  interested, please contact a member of the Select Board or call the Town Office. 

Resignation – Motion made by Brad Calhoun and seconded by Jake Thompson to accept Kim Mable’s  resignation as Auditor due to family illness and to her for all hours worked. Passed unanimously. 

Auditor – Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to appoint Nancy Frost as  Auditor from now to the March 2025 Town meeting. Passed unanimously. 

ARPA Funds – Resolution for ARPA Allocation 

Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Jim Bulger to approve the Resolution to expend  SLFRF (State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds) funds in an amount up to $223,120.50 for the purpose  of municipal workforce retention to pay for payroll expenses for the period of FY 2024 (January 1,  2024 through December 5, 2024). Passed unanimously.  

West Topsham Community Hall – Tom Otterman and Megan Clark updated the Board on this project. 

Planning Commission Questionnaire – The Board discussed.  



Dog Bite – Jim Bulger will handle.  

Request for Funds: 

Clara Martin Center - $1,652 

Central Vermont Council on Aging - $500 

The above requests will be included in the Warning for the March 2025 Town Meeting   


The Board reviewed and signed Order #2422 in the amounts of $75,596.93 for accounts payable and  $17,748.34 for payroll.  

Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm.  


Respectfully Submitted, 

Janice Emerson 

Administrative Assistant 

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Monday, November 25, 2024 

Present: James Bulger, Carl Hildebrandt, Jake Thompson, Bradford Calhoun and Tom Otterman  (Select Board), Karen Walker (Town Clerk/Treasurer), Richard Sampson (Road Foreman) and via  Microsoft Teams Janice Emerson (Administrative Assistant) 

Visitors: Megan, Jim and Nancy Clark, John Hood, Larry Hart and via Microsoft Teams Sarah Wright  and Peter Gregory (TRORC) 

 Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm.  

Motion made by Jake Thompson and seconded by Tom Otterman to approve minutes from meeting of  November 11, 2024. Passed unanimously.  


Larry Hart, State Senator, was available to discuss any concerns. 

Sarah Wright (TRORC) discussed the Brownfield Assessment process in order to enroll the West  Topsham Community Hall in the funding assistance program that covers the costs of the Phase 2 of the  required environmental review. Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Brad Calhoun to  proceed with an interview with Megan Clark, Jim Bulger, Tom Otterman and Sarah Bartlett. Passed  unanimously. Sarah Wright said she is willing to attend if needed. Motion made by Tom Otterman and  seconded by Brad Calhoun for Jim Bulger, Chair, to sign the access form for the Phase 2 site  assessment. Passed unanimously. 


Road Report – Richie Sampson updated the Board on roadwork and equipment. 

New Garage – Brad Calhoun updated the Board on this project. Jake Thompson updated the Board on  the bond bridge loan through M &T Bank. 

Grant to Update Road Erosion Inventory – Brad Calhoun will handle.  

Driveway Permit for Karl & Joanne Neuhauser on Zion Hill Road - Richie Sampson will handle.  


Open Positions – There are three open positions, one Auditor and two NEKWMD Reps. If anyone is  interested, please contact a member of the Select Board or call the Town Office. 

ARPA Funds – The amount spent on the Food Shelf to date is $34, 861.25. Motion made by Brad  Calhoun and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to accept Batten Electrical’s bid of $3,271.62 for the  lighting. Passed by a vote of four. Jim Bulger abstained.

Motion made by Brad Calhoun and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to agree with obligated funds for  ARPA as presented by Karen Walker, Town Treasurer. Passed by a vote of four. Tom Otterman  abstained.  

West Topsham Community Hall – Tom Otterman updated the Board on this project. 

 A MERP (Municipal Energy Resiliency Program) grant of $425,904.53 was received. Motion made by  Brad Calhoun and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt for Jim Bulger, Chair, to sign the grant. Passed  unanimously.  

Errors and Omissions to the 2024 Grand List – Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Brad  Calhoun to sign. Passed unanimously.  


Culvert on Downing Road – Jim Bulger will handle.  

Town Web Design for Live Streaming of Meetings – The Board reviewed.  

Request for Funds: 

Safeline - $500 

Northeast Slopes - $1199 

Visiting Nurse & Hospice of VT & NH - $4000  

Little Rivers Health Care - $1100 

Orange County Restorative Justice Center - $125 

Tri-Valley Transit - $850 

Orange East Senior Center - $3500 

The above requests will be included in the Warning for the March 2025 Town Meeting 

Green Up - $100 – Will be included in Budget 

Orange County Parent/Child Center - $250 - Petition needed 



The Board reviewed and signed Order #2422 in the amounts of $114,812.17 for accounts payable and  $11,478.35 for payroll.  

Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.  


Respectfully Submitted, 

Janice Emerson 

Administrative Assistant 

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November 25,2024 

5:30PM at the Topsham Town Hall

Agenda:  to review the checklist and to approve the list of election officials for the special JP election.

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Monday, November 11, 2024 

Present: Jake Thompson, Bradford Calhoun and Tom Otterman (Select Board), Karen Walker (Town  Clerk/Treasurer), Richard Sampson (Road Foreman) and via Microsoft Teams Janice Emerson  (Administrative Assistant) 

Absent: James Bulger and Carl Hildebrandt 

Visitors: Jim and Nancy Clark, Bill Johnson, Becky Christian, Peggy Welch, Bernice Dow and Ginny  Adams 

Jake Thompson acted as Chair in Jim Bulger’s absence.  

Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm.  

Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Brad Calhoun to approve minutes from meeting of  October 28, 2024. Passed unanimously.  


Bernice Dow and Ginny Adams discussed the written request to repair the hole in the Town Garage  roof. The hole is on the backside of the roof and the Board was not aware of the hole. Brad Calhoun  will handle getting the roof repaired.  


Road Report – Richie Sampson updated the Board on roadwork and equipment.

New Garage – Brad updated the Board on this project. The bids for electric and heating were opened.  


Batten Electric $ 62,392.60 

Cole Electric $124,800.00 

Fahey Electric Not Available, Full Work Schedule 

Eastman Electric Not Available, Full Work Schedule 

Motion made by Brad Calhoun and seconded by Tom Otterman to award the job to Batten Electric.  Passed unanimously.  


Osgood Mountain $43,700 (does not include Gas Piping and Modines) 

Tabor Valley $62,000 

Charlie French Not Available, Full Work Schedule 

Twin State Not Available, Full Work Schedule 

Motion made by Jake Thompson and seconded by Brad Calhoun to award the job to Tabor Valley.  Passed unanimously.  



Open Positions – There are three open positions, one Auditor and two NEKWMD Reps. If anyone is  interested, please contact a member of the Select Board or call the Town Office. 

ARPA Funds – The Resolution and the amount spent on the Food Shelf will be discussed at the next  meeting.  

West Topsham Community Hall – Tom Otterman updated the Board on this project.  

Use of Town Hall – Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Brad Calhoun to approve use of  the Town Hall on November 16 for a birthday and on November 17 for a Celebration of Life for Pete  Arnold. Passed unanimously.  


Touratech DirtDaze Rally – Donated $500 to help with Flood Recovery. 



The Board reviewed and signed Order #2421 in the amounts of $1,403,158.47 for accounts payable and $9,862.45 for payroll.  

Meeting adjourned at 7:38 pm.  


Respectfully Submitted, 

Janice Emerson 

Administrative Assistant 

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Monday, October 28, 2024 

Present: James Bulger, Carl Hildebrandt, Jake Thompson, Bradford Calhoun and Tom Otterman  (Select Board), Karen Walker (Town Clerk/Treasurer), Richard Sampson (Road Foreman) and via  Microsoft Teams Janice Emerson (Administrative Assistant)  

Visitors: Scott Parsons, Jim and Nancy Clark 

Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm.  

Motion made by Jake Thompson and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to approve minutes from meeting  of October 7, 2024. Passed unanimously.  


Scott Parsons discussed plowing Kimball Hill Road from his house to Willey Hill Road. Currently he  plows the road. The road is very narrow and when snow builds up on the sides it it is not possible for  him to plow the road.  

Richie will push back the snow with the grader.  


Road Report – Richie Sampson updated the Board on road work and equipment. 

New Garage – Brad updated the Board on this project. The bids for electric and heating will be held  for now.  


Open Positions – There are three open positions, one Auditor and two NEKWMD Reps. If anyone is  interested, please contact a member of the Select Board or call the Town Office. 

ARPA Funds – Two bids were received for lighting for the Food Shelf. The bids will be put on hold  for now.  

West Topsham Community Hall – Tom Otterman updated the Board on this project.  

Nancy Clark requested permission for the Friends of Topsham to use the parking area on November 9  for a Harvest/Flea Market. Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Jake Thompson to  approve the request. Passed unanimously.  

Health Insurance Renewal – The Board reviewed. Due to the increase in cost, more research will be  done to consider plan changes and if employees will be paying a portion of the cost.    


The Board reviewed and signed Order #2420 in the amounts of $31,892.26 and $114,515,51 for  accounts payable and $4,095.54 and $11,151.59 for payroll. 


JP Ballot – The ballot was discussed.  

Meeting adjourned at 8:24 pm.    

Respectfully Submitted, 

Janice Emerson 

Administrative Assistant

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Monday, October 7, 2024 

Present: James Bulger, Carl Hildebrandt, Jake Thompson, Bradford Calhoun and Tom Otterman  (Select Board), Karen Walker (Town Clerk/Treasurer), Richard Sampson (Road Foreman) and via  Microsoft Teams Janice Emerson (Administrative Assistant)  

Visitors: Jessica Williams, Nick Milburn, Dennis Cremo and via Microsoft Teams Jim and Nancy  Clark 

Meeting called to order at 7:02 pm.  

Motion made by Jake Thompson and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to approve minutes from meeting  of September 23, 2024. Passed unanimously.  


Dennis Cremo said highway employees are doing a great job. He owns property beside the current  town garage and asked if the cement blocks will be moved. They are leaning toward his property and  there are trees growing that need to be cut. Richie will cut the trees. The cement blocks will be  removed when the new garage is ready for use. 


Road Report – Richie Sampson updated the Board on road work and equipment. 

New Garage – Brad updated the Board on this project. Jake Thompson updated the  Board on the bond. 

Road Reclassification – Will be discussed at a future meeting.  

Topsham Bridge #23 – Tom Otterman discussed the 732 square foot piece of land by the bridge.  Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Brad Calhoun for Jim Bulger, Chair, to sign a  Quitclaim Deed donating the land to the State of Vermont. Passed unanimously. Tom Otterman will  remind his contact person about the property transfer papers.  

911 Address/Driveway Permit for William Hill of Keenan Pond Road – Carl Hildebrandt will handle.  

Salt – Motion made by Jake Thompson and seconded by Tom Otterman for Jim Bulger, Chair, to sign  the Cargill proposal for 350 tons at $87.25 per ton. Passed unanimously.  

Honey Corners Road Culvert – Brad Calhoun updated the Board on this project.  


Open Positions – There are three open positions, one Auditor and two NEKWMD Reps. If anyone is  interested, please contact a member of the Select Board or call the Town Office. 

ARPA Funds – No new information at this time.  

West Topsham Community Hall – Tom Otterman updated the Board on the cleaning project. 

MERP Application – Has been submitted.  


Entrance Signs for East Topsham Cemetery – Will be put on hold for now.  

Act 250 Notice of Appeal – The Board reviewed.  

Culvert Concern on Downing Road – Jim Bulger will handle.  



The Board reviewed and signed Order #2418 in the amount of $167,009.62 for accounts payable and  $9,973.01 for payroll.  


Budget Committee – Select Board, Donna Otterman, Yvette Tomlinson, Susan Hood and Janice  Emerson. The first meeting will be immediately before the select board meeting on October 28.  

Select Board Meeting – The November 11 meeting will take place as scheduled.  

Health Insurance Cost – Due to increasing costs it was suggested that the plan should be reviewed to  determine if we should consider changing plans or if employees should pay a share of the cost.  

Meeting adjourned at 7:47 pm.  


Respectfully Submitted, 

Janice Emerson 

Administrative Assistant

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Monday, September 23, 2024 

Present: Carl Hildebrandt, Jake Thompson, Bradford Calhoun and Tom Otterman (Select Board),  Karen Walker (Town Clerk/Treasurer), Richard Sampson (Road Foreman) and via Microsoft Teams  Janice Emerson (Administrative Assistant)  

Absent: James Bulger 

Visitors: Jim Clark, Megan Clark, Bill Johnson, Becky Christian, John Hood, Tony Davidson and Jayna Hutchinson  

Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm.  

Tom Otterman acted as Chair in Jim Bulger’s absence.  

Motion made by Jake Thompson and seconded by Brad Calhoun to approve minutes from meeting of  September 9, 2024. Passed unanimously.  


John Hood and Jim Clark reported the Village Designations were accepted.  


Road Report -Richie Sampson updated the Board on road work and equipment. New Garage – Brad updated the Board on this project. Three bids were received for plumbing Osgood Mountain Plumbing $11,400 

Tri-State Plumbing $26.700 

Charlie French Plumbing $ 9,200 

Motion made by Carl Hildebrandt and seconded by Jake Thompson to accept the bid from Charlie  French Plumbing. Passed unanimously. 

Road Reclassification – Will be discussed at at future meeting.  

Crosby Road – Motion made by Jake Thompson and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to authorize Richie to put minimum material on Crosby Road and to confirm current policy states that it will not be  plowed. Passed unanimously.  

WEC Permit – John White Road Kevin Booth and Ralph Sargent. 76 Zion Hill Road near Eddie and  Theresa Cyr. Motion made by Brad Calhoun and seconded by Jake Thompson to sign the permits.  Passed unanimously.


Open Positions – There are three open positions, one Auditor and two NEKWMD Reps. If anyone is  interested, please contact a member of the Select Board or call the Town Office. 

 Resolution for ARPA Allocation – Karen Walker update the Board on the Resolution. It will be read  for review and signatures in about one month.  

Motion made by Brad Calhoun and seconded by Jake Thompson to spend the ARPA Funds on the  projects as recommended in the ARPA (Committee Report (New Garage - $105,000, Town Hall -  $1000,000 Food Shelf - $65,000 and Community Center - $90,000) but not based on the itemization as shown in the Report. Passed unanimously.  

West Topsham Community Hall – Tom Otterman updated the Board on the  

cleaning project. Megan Clark updated the Board on the funding. 


Entrance Signs for East Topsham Cemetery -  

 This will be discussed at the next Boar d meeting.  

Invoice for Culvert Work - Reviewed and filed.  


The Board reviewed and signed Order #2418 in the amount of $47,786.69 for accounts payable and  $4,313.91 for payroll.  


Budget C0ommittee – The individuals who served last year will be asked if they are will to serve  another year. 

Executive Session - Motion made by Carl Hildebrandt and seconded by Jake Thompson to go into  executive session to discuss personnel. Passed unanimously. Richie Sampson, Tony Davidson and  Jayna Hutchinson were invited to join the session. Meeting adjourned to executive session from 7:45  0pm to 8:03pm.  

Motion made by Brad Calhoun and seconded by Jake Thompson to give Tony Davidson a pay increase  of $2.00 per hour effective immediately. Passed unanimously. 

Meeting adjourned at 8:04 pm.  


Respectfully Submitted, 

Janice Emerson 

Administrative Assistant

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Monday, September 9, 2024

Present:  James Bulger, Jake Thompson, Bradford Calhoun, Tom Otterman (Select Board), Karen Walker (Clerk/Treasurer) and Donna Otterman.

Absent:  Janice Emerson (Administrative Assistant), Carl Hildebrandt (Select Board) & Richard Sampson (Road Forman)

Visitors:  Jim Clark, Megan Clark, Leslie Frost, Becky Christianson, Bill Johnson, Nick Milburn, Ron Danforth, Matt Wadsworth and Harry Falconer (TRORC)

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.

Motion was made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Jake Thompson to approve from meeting of August 26. 2024. Passed unanimously.


Megan Clark – Presented a written request for the Select Board to create a Topsham Community Hall Restoration Committee and grant the committee the authority to pursue information and guidance from TRORC, grant opportunities, the necessary regulatory permits, releases and approvals on behalf the Town of Topsham and appoint Megan Clark to the committee.  Motion to approve was made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Jake Thompson. Passed unanimously. Written request was signed by the members of the Select Board.


Road Report – Bradford Calhoun reported on behalf of Richard Sampson that the roads were in good condition.

Honey Corner Road Culvert – Bradford Calhoun will ask for an extension to complete the project.

Route 25 Bridge near Cross Road in West Topsham – Tom Otterman volunteered to represent the Town concerning any correspondence with Barb Dimmick Rowell from VTRANS for the bridge project.

New Garage – The two bids received for concrete work were opened. Crete Pavers bid - $123,435.96 and Hutch Concrete bid - $124,800.00. After comparing the scope of the services being provided by both companies, a motion was made by Jake Thompson to accept the Hutch Concrete bid and seconded by Bradford Calhoun. Passed unanimously. 

Bradford Calhoun reported that the steel for the Town garage building should be arriving in October and the Town is still waiting for more electrical and plumbing bids to come in.

Bradford Calhoun made a request that the Board hire Ron Danforth as the Site Manager for the Town Garage project.  After a discussion about the position, a motion was made by Jake Thompson and seconded by Tom Otterman to hire Ron Danforth @ $35.00 an hour as a subcontractor for the position.

Jake Thompson updated the Board on the progress for the bond. There is a possibility that a professional audit will be required to secure the bond. He will continue to work on the bond process.


Open positions – The positions for one Auditor and two NEKWMD representatives remain open. If anyone is interested, please contact a member of the Select Board or call the Town Office.

ARPA funds deadlines – The Town is obligated to allocate the remaining funds to accounts by December 31, 2024. 

West Topsham Community Hall – Megan Clark is continuing to get more information the Phase 2 Environmental Testing.

Megan Clark reported that the energy audits for the Town Office and the West Topsham Community Hall were complete. Grants are available through the Municipal Energy Resilience Program.

Harry Falconer from TRORC presented a summary of the proposed scope of work/costs for the Topsham Town Office and the West Topsham Community Hall to apply for the MERP implementation grant. There are no matching funds requirements for the grant. Harry asked for authorization to submit the application for the grant before the September 20, 2024 deadline.  Motion was made by Tom Otterman to authorize Harry Falconer to do so and was seconded by Jake Thompson. Passed unanimously.


State of VT Act 250 – Copy of Response letter sent to Kurt Crowe-Northwest RV Park on Barberry Road concerning his application for an Act 250 permit to build an ATV bridge to cross stream to access the park.

Downing Road – Culvert and road erosion concerns


The Board reviewed and signed Order #2417 in the amount of $21,305.77 for Accounts Payable and $6,838.31 for Payroll.


Fire Department water test – Anne Dolan will perform the tests.

Tax abatement – Passed over

Motion was made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Jake Thompson to go into executive session to discuss personnel.  Passed unanimously. Karen Walker joined the session. Meeting adjourned to executive session from 8:06 pm to 8:20 pm. Motion was made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Bradford Calhoun to give Tony Davidson a pay increase of $2.00 per hour.  Passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 8:22 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna Otterman

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Monday, August 26, 2024 

Present: James Bulger, Carl Hildebrandt, Jake Thompson, Bradford Calhoun and Tom Otterman (Select Board), Karen Walker (Town Clerk/Treasurer), and Richard Sampson (Road Foreman) 

Absent: Janice Emerson (Administrative Assistant) 

Visitors: Jim Clark, Megan Clark, Becky Christian, Bill Johnson, John Hood, Nick Milburne, Fred  Smith and via Microsoft Teams Amber Downing. 

Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm. 

Motion made by Jake Thompson and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to approve minutes from meeting  of August 12, 2024. Passed unanimously. 


Megan Clark – discussed a condition survey for the West Topsham Community Hall. The Town would  contribute half the cost and the rest would come from the Preservation Trust of Vermont, from the  Robert Sincerbeaux Fund. Motion by Tom Otterman and seconded by Jake Thompson to approve the  survey. Passed unanimously. 

Nick Milburne – discussed grants available to make improvements to energy efficiency in the Town  Hall/Town Office. The Board expressed that the town wasn’t ready to participate in this round of grant  applications, but could pursue the next round instead. 


Road Report – Richie Sampson updated the Board on roadwork and equipment. 

Honey Corners Road Culvert – Motion made by Jake Thompson and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to  approve the plans. Passed unanimously. 

New Garage – Two bids were received. Before revealing them, the Board discussed a policy that says if the seeking of bids is not advertised, then at least three must be received. They decided to hold onto the bids until a third bid comes in. The Board then discussed the progress of the project. 

Overweight Permit – Field & Sons Construction. Motion made by Jake Thompson and seconded by  Carl Hildebrandt to approve the permit. Passed unanimously. 


Open Positions – There are three open positions, one Auditor and two NEKWMD Reps. If anyone is  interested, please contact a member of the Select Board or call the Town Office.  

ARPA Funds Deadlines – Will be discussed at the next meeting. 

West Topsham Community Hall – There was a good turnout for the Town Picnic. Megan Clark is  getting more information about the Phase 2 Environmental Testing.


Topsham United Presbyterian Church – Request use of the Town Hall for the Rummage Sale from  September 30 – October 15. Motion made by Jake Thompson and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to  approve the request. Passed unanimously. 


The Board reviewed and signed Order #2416 in the amount of $10,174.21, $143,66.14, $1,782.32 and  $17,421.89 for accounts payable and $7,722.02 for payroll.  


Water Test – The Board will look into this. 

Bond – Jake Thompson updated the Board on the progress of the BAN and bond.  

Motion made by Carl Hildebrandt and seconded by Jake Thompson to go into executive session to  discuss personnel. Passed unanimously. Karen Walker and Richie Sampson were invited to join the  session. Meeting adjourned to executive session from 7:56pm to 8:06pm. Motion made by Jake  Thompson and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to give Richie Sampson a pay increase of $2.00 per hour.  Passed unanimously. 

Meeting adjourned at 8:09pm. 

Respectfully submitted, 

Amber Downing

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Monday, August 12, 2024 

Present: James Bulger, Jake Thompson, Bradford Calhoun and Tom Otterman (Select Board), Karen  Walker (Town Clerk/Treasurer), Richard Sampson (Road Foreman) and via phone Janice Emerson  (Administrative Assistant)  

Absent: Carl Hildebrandt  

Visitors: Jim Clark, Megan Clark, Bill Johnson, Becky Christian, Nick Milburn and John Hood  Meeting called to order at 7:01 pm.  

Motion made by Jake Thompson and seconded by Tom Otterman to approve minutes from meeting of  July 22, 2024. Passed unanimously.  


Road Report -Richie Sampson updated the Board on road work and equipment. 

New Garage – Brad updated the Board on this project. Motion made by Jake Thompson and seconded  by Tom Otterman to sign the application for state permits. Passed unanimously.  


Open Positions – There are three open positions, one Auditor and two NEKWMD Reps. If anyone is  interested, please contact a member of the Select Board or call the Town Office. 

Resignation – Jim Bulgar read Maureen Hurley’s letter of resignation. Motion made by Jake Thompson and seconded by Tom Otterman to accept Maureen Hurley’s resignation as Energy Coordinator. Passed unanimously. The Board thanked Maureen for her many years of service as Energy Coordinator.  

ARPA Funds – Deadlines will be discussed at the next Select Board meeting.  

West Topsham Community Hall – Tom Otterman updated the Board on this project. Megan Clark  discussed various funding that may be available. Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by  Jake Thompson to sign the letter expressing support of the restoration of the Community Hall and  pursuit of fund from Rural Economic Development Initiative and MTAP (Municipal Technical  Assistance v Program). Passed unanimously.  

Jim Bulger thanked Megan for all the work she has done. 


Bruce Whiting Land – Bruce now lives in Florida and owns approximately 3.5 acres in Waits River that he is willing to give to the Town. The Board has no interest in land.  

Judicial Case Disposition –The Board reviewed. The case regarding a dog issue was dismissed.  TRORC – The Board received a thank you for the annual dues.


The Board reviewed and signed Order #2415 in the amount of $147,134.87 for accounts payable and  $7,431.87 for payroll.  

Grant and State Aid Money of $454,587.32 was discussed. 


Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Jake Thompson to appoint Nick Milburn as a member of the Planning Commission. Passed unanimously. 

Meeting adjourned at 7:52 pm.  


Respectfully Submitted, 

Janice Emerson 

Administrative Assistant

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Monday, July 22, 2024 

Present: James Bulger, Carl Hildebrandt, Jake Thompson. Bradford Calhoun and Tom Otterman (Select Board),  Karen Walker (Town Clerk/Treasurer), Richard Sampson (Road Foreman) and via phone Janice Emerson  (Administrative Assistant)  

Visitors: Leslie Frost, Fred Smith, Jim and Nancy Clark, Bill Johnson, Becky Christian, Nick Milburn and John Hood  

Meeting called to order at 7:04 pm.  

Motion made by Brad Calhoun and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to approve minutes from meeting of July 8,  2024. Passed unanimously.  


Nick Milburn discussed his interest in the Energy Coordinator position. Motion made by Carl Hildebrandt and  seconded by Jake Thompson to appoint Nick Milburn as Energy Coordinator. Passed unanimously.  


Road Report -Richie Sampson updated the Board on road work and equipment. 

Bids - Bids were opened for three jobs. Two bids were received for each job.  

Honey Corners Road  

Sidney Smith Trucking $42,000 

Fulford Excavation, LLC $36,040 

Swamp Road 

Sidney Smith Trucking $ 9,000 

Fulford Excavation, LLC $10,640 

New Garage Site Work  

Sidney Smith Trucking $ 95,000 

Fulford Excavation, LLC $135,000 

Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to award  

Honey Corners to Fulford Excavation, LLC 

Swamp Road to Fulford Excavation. LLC 

New Garage Site Work to Sidney Smith Trucking 

Passed unanimously.  

FEMA Funds Update – Will be getting money for 2023 projects soon.  


Open Positions – There are three open positions, one Auditor and two NEKWMD Reps. If anyone is interested,  please contact a member of the Select Board or call the Town Office. 

ARPA Funds – Two bids were received for well drilling at the food shelf/Grange building. Sargent Artisan Wells $13,590.00  

N A Manosh $17,913.20 

Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to award the job to Sargent Artisan Wells.  Passed by a vote of four. Jim Bulger abstained.  

West Topsham Community Hall – Tom Otterman updated the Board on this project. Motion made by Jake  Thompson and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt for Jim Bulger. Chair, to sign the Proposal from Otterman  Surveying and Septic Design in the amount of $1800 for septic design and permits. Passed by a vote of four.  Tom Otterman abstained.  

Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to proceed with Phase II of the Environmental Assessment. Passed unanimously.  

 Municipal Energy Resiliency Program ((MERP) Grant Application – Referred to Energy Coordinator.  


Otterman and Allen – The January 2025 annual distribution from the Macdonald FamilyFunds will be $9,938  each for the Town and the East Topsham Cemetery.  

 Norumbega Trail Ride - The annual trail ride for charity is on September 7 in Vermont.  


The Board reviewed and signed Order #2414 in the amount of $53,903.56 for accounts payable and $ 6,433.21  for payroll.  

Tax Rate – Motion made by Brad Calhoun an and seconded by Jake Thompson to set the Municipal Tax Rate at  $0.89. Passed unanimously. The Homestead Educational Tax rate is $1.3794. The Non-Homestead  Educational Tax Rate is $ 1.8136.  


Honey Corner Roads - A landowner is building a bridge across the river. Motion made by Brad Calhoun and  seconded by Jake Thompson for Tom Otterman to contact the state and to write a letter for Jim Bulger's signature to send to Northeast Pass RV Park. Passed unanimously.  

Executive Session – Motion made by Tom Otterman seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to go into executive session  to discuss personnel. Passed unanimously. Karen Walker was invited to attend the session. Meeting adjourned to  executive session from 8:02 pm to 8:10 pm. No action taken.  

Meeting adjourned at 8:12 pm.  


Respectfully Submitted, 

Janice Emerson 

Administrative Assistant

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Monday, July 8, 2024 

Present: James Bulger, Carl Hildebrandt, Jake Thompson and Tom Otterman (Select Board), Karen  Walker (Town Clerk/Treasurer), Richard Sampson (Road Foreman) and via Microsoft Teams Janice  Emerson (Administrative Assistant)  

Absent: Bradford Calhoun 

Visitors: Leslie Frost, Jim and Nancy Clark, Bill Johnson, Becky Christian and Phillip Emerson Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm.  

Motion made by Jake Thompson and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to approve minutes from meetings  of June 24, 2024 and July 1, 2024. Passed unanimously.  


Road Report – Richie Sampson updated the Board on road work and equipment. 

New Garage - Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Jake Thompson for Jim Bulger, Chair, to sign the Waste Water Application. Passed unanimously.  

Swamp Road Work – Motion made by Carl Hildebrandt and seconded by Jake Thompson to put the  project out for bids. Passed unanimously. Richie Sampson will handle.  

Honey Corners Road – Brad Calhoun will handle getting bids for this project. 

Frost Road – Phillip Emerson is planning to rebuild on Frost Road and asked for help with material and culverts to repair the road. Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Jake Thomson to assist  with culverts and material, if available. Passed unanimously. Richie Sampson will handle.  


Open Positions – There are three open positions, one Auditor and two NEKWMD Reps. If anyone is  interested, please contact a member of the Select Board or call the Town Office.  

Resignation – The Board accepted Larry Hart’s resignation as a member of the Planning Commission. ARPA Funds – No new information.  

West Topsham Community Hall – Tom Otterman updated the Board on this project. He has been  working with a neighbor to put the leech field on their property. The cost for the septic design and  permits will be $1800.00. The Town will cover all costs. Motion made by Carl Hildebrandt and  seconded by Jake Thompson to move with on this p0roject. Passed unanimously.  

Personnel Policy Update Health Insurance for Employees 65 or Older – Motion made by Jake  Thompson and seconded by Tom Otterman for the Board to sign the updated Policy. Passed  unanimously. 

John Hood – EC Fiber has contacted him regarding putting a hub on his property.  


The Board reviewed and signed Order #2413 in the amount of $ 51,269.78 for accounts payable and  $10,276.82 for payroll.  


Executive Session – Motion made by Tom Otterman seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to go into executive session to discuss personnel. Passed unanimously. Karen Walker was invited to attend the session.  Meeting adjourned to executive session from 7:38 pm to 7:44 pm. No action taken.  

Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.  


Respectfully Submitted, 

Janice Emerson 

Administrative Assistant

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Monday, July 1, 2024 

Present: James Bulger, Carl Hildebrandt, Jake Thompson, Bradford Calhoun and Tom Otterman  (Select Board), Karen Walker (Town Clerk/Treasurer) and via Microsoft Teams Janice Emerson  (Administrative Assistant)  

Visitors: Leslie Frost, Jim Clark and John Hood 

Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm.  

 New Garage – One bid was received for the steel building. 

Flynn Construction - $291,470 

Motion made by Carl Hildebrandt and seconded by Jake Thompson to accept the bid from Flynn  Construction. Passed unanimously.  

Tom Otterman expressed a preference to bidding for a general contractor. And, that if the board was in  favor of proceeding with the hiring of individual subcontractors, that it be done consistent with current  town hiring policy. In particular that the clerk of the works position should include an interview process to determine qualifications, desired pay, and liability coverage. 

Roadside Mowing & Brush Cutting Bids – Two bids were received.  

Murdo Limlaw - $65.00 per hour 

Bruce Limlaw - $7,500 

Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Brad Calhoun to award the job to Murdo Limlaw.  Passed unanimously. 

Child Care Credit Payroll Tax – Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Jake Thompson for  the Town to pay three-fourths and the employee pay one-fourth of the tax. Passed unanimously..    

Meeting adjourned at 7:16 pm.  


Respectfully Submitted, 

Janice Emerson 

Administrative Assistant

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Monday, June 24, 2024 

Present: James Bulger, Carl Hildebrandt, Jake Thompson, Bradford Calhoun and Tom Otterman  (Select Board), Karen Walker (Town Clerk/Treasurer), Richard Sampson (Road Foreman) and via  Microsoft Teams Janice Emerson (Administrative Assistant)  

Visitors: Leslie Frost, Jim and Nancy Clark, Bill Johnson, Becky Christian, John Hood, Roxanna  Tillotson, Robert Arnold, Tina Ordway, Wendell Downing and Dustin Downing 

Meeting called to order at 7:02 pm.  

Motion made by Jake Thompson and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to approve minutes from meeting  of June 10, 2024. Passed by a vote of four. Tom Otterman abstained.  

Additions to Agenda – Animal Issue and Village Designations 


Road Report – Richie Sampson updated the Board on road work and equipment. 

New Garage - Bidding procedures were discussed. Motion made by Brad Calhoun and seconded by  Jake Thompson to advertise bids for the steel building in the Journal Opinion and seek bids from  individual firms with deadline of July 1. Passed unanimously. There will be a Select Board Special  Meeting on July 1 to consider the bids.  

Roadside Mowing & Brush Cutting Bids – Moved to next meeting.  

Driveway Permit for Harold Santore on Willey Hill Road – Richie Sampson will handle.  

Overweight Permit – Motion made by Jake Thompson and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to approve a  permit for Cadwell Logging & Firewood. Passed unanimously.  



Open Positions – There are three open positions, one Auditor and two NEKWMD Reps. If anyone is  interested, please contact a member of the Select Board or call the Town Office.  

ARPA Funds -- Two bids were received for the Food Shelf handicap accessibility project. The bids do not include the cost for three doors. 

Carl Sweet $4,800 

Dean Smith $11,000 

Motion made by Carl Hildebrandt and seconded by Jake Thompson to award the job to Carl Sweet.  Passed unanimously.  

West Topsham Community Hall – Nothing new to report at this time. 

Personnel Policy Update Health Insurance for Employees 65 or Older – Moved to next meeting.  Delinquent Dog List – The Board reviewed. It will be given to the ACO for action.  

Village Designations – Motion made by Jake Thompson and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt for Jim  Bulger, Chair, to sign the two letters regarding Village Designations. Passed unanimously.  

Animal Issue – A complaint was discussed regarding stray animals on Downing Road including cows,  goats, lambs, pigs and dogs. Jim Bulger will contact Carol Appleton, Health Officer and Kaitlyn  Hankins, Animal Control Officer.  


Open Meeting Law Amendment Effective July 1 – The Board discussed compliance concerns. Animal Control Officer Number & Ticket Book – Jim Bulger will handle.  


The Board reviewed and signed Order #2412 in the amount of $66,042.09 for accounts payable and  $7,585.67 for payroll.  


Highway Building Fund CD –Motion made by Tom Otterman and seconded by Brad Calhoun not to  renew the CD. Passed unanimously. 

Executive Session – Motion made by Carl Hildebrandt and seconded by Jake Thompson to go into  executive session to discuss personnel. Passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned to executive session  from 8:31 pm to 8:34 pm. No action taken.  

Meeting adjourned at 8:34 pm.  


Respectfully Submitted, 

Janice Emerson 

Administrative Assistant`

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The legal voters of the Town of Topsham are hereby notified and warned to meet at the Town Hall in the Town of Topsham on [Tuesday, June 11, 2024], between the hours of seven o'clock (7:00) in the forenoon (a.m.), at which time the polls will open, and seven o'clock (7:00) in the afternoon (p.m.), at which time the polls will close, to vote by Australian ballot upon the following Article of business: 


Shall general obligation bonds of the Town of Topsham in an amount not to exceed Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($750,000), subject to reduction from the receipt of available state and federal grants-in-aid, be issued for the purpose of replacing and constructing municipal improvements, namely replacement of the Town of Topsham's Municipal Garage? 

The legal voters of the Town of Topsham are further notified that voter qualification, registration and absentee voting relative to said meeting shall be as provided in Chapters 43, 51 and 55 of Title 17, Vermont Statutes Annotated. 

The legal voters of the Town of Topsham are further notified that an informational meeting will be held on [Monday, June 10, 2024] at Town Hall in the Town of Topsham at [five thirty (6:30) in the evening (p.m.)], for the purpose of explaining the proposed improvements and the financing thereof. Such meeting will be available by Zoom as well. 

Adopted and approved at a regular meeting of the Selectboard of the Town of Topsham duly called, noticed and held on May 13, 2024. Received for record and recorded in the records of the Town of Topsham on May 14, 2024.


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Monday, June 10, 2024 

Present: James Bulger, Carl Hildebrandt, Jake Thompson and Bradford Calhoun (Select Board), Karen Walker (Town Clerk/Treasurer), Richard Sampson (Road Foreman) and via Microsoft Teams Janice  Emerson (Administrative Assistant)  

Absent: Thomas Otterman 


Visitors: List attached 

Meeting called to order at 7:07 pm.  

Motion made by Brad Calhoun and seconded by Carl Hildebrandt to approve minutes from meeting of  June 3, 2024. Passed unanimously.  


Road Report – Richie Sampson updated the Board on road work and equipment. 


Open Positions – There are three open positions, one Auditor and two NEKWMD Reps. If anyone is  interested, please contact a member of the Select Board or call the Town Office.  

ARPA Funds – Nothing new to report.  

West Topsham Community Hall – Not available for use at this time.  

 Health Insurance for Employees 65 or Older – Jake Thompson will have a revision in the Personnel  Policy for review at the next meeting.  


The Board reviewed and signed Order #2411 in the amount of $25,624.32 for accounts payable and  $12,745.36 for payroll.  


Jim Clark updated the Board on the Village Designation project.  


Meeting adjourned at 7:24 pm.  


Respectfully Submitted, 

Janice Emerson 

Administrative Assistant`

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